
De l’audit à la mise en œuvre opérationnelle, notre expertise en cybersécurité vous accompagne dans la protection complète de votre système d’information avec des solutions adaptées à vos enjeux.

Organisational and compliance audits

Through our SecNumCloud, ISO 27001 and HDS qualifications and certifications, and the ISAE 3402 audit process, we have developed recognised expertise in compliance with the most demanding French standards. Prior to the compliance process, we carry out a diagnostic of your organisation's cyber security governance and processes.

ISO 27001
ISAE 3402
Architecture and operating files
Safety management process
Compliance with a standard
Technical audits

The technical security audit of your IS aims to check that it complies with best security practices and to identify any vulnerabilities. This audit, based on an analysis of configurations, logs and documentation, covers all the key components of your infrastructure.


Network equipment

Operating systems

Virtualisation infrastructures

Public cloud infrastructures


Intrusion tests
  • Réalisation de tests d’intrusion :

    • Tests manuels
    • Tests automatisés
    • Tests en “boîte blanche” (sur demande)
  • Objectifs :

    • Évaluer la résistance aux attaques
    • Identifier les failles de sécurité
  • Analyse et suivi :

    • Analyse des résultats par des experts
    • Proposition de mesures de remédiation
  • Domaines d’application :

    • Systèmes d’information (SI)
    • Applications web
    • Applications mobiles
Governance, risk management and compliance (GRC)

A key element in the management of your organisation, security governance is the set of processes, policies and procedures that we help you put in place to manage security risks more effectively. To protect your organisation against security risks, we work with you to draw up an Information Systems Security Policy (ISSP) and a complementary Security Assurance Plan (SAP).

Delegated CISO mission

A true conductor of your company's security, the Information Systems Security Manager draws up and implements the cybersecurity strategy. If you'd prefer to outsource this function, we can offer you tailor-made support from a part-time CISO.

Business Continuity Planning (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Planning (BRP)

En tant que fournisseur de services cloud hautement disponibles, nous sommes experts de la mise en place d’infrastructures résilientes pour nos clients. Notre mission est d’intégrer ces exigences dans l’architecture même de votre SI. Nous concevons ainsi avec vos équipes les plans de continuité, de reprise, d’urgence et de poursuite d’activité qui vous permettent d’anticiper et de minimiser l’impact d’éventuels incidents, vous assurant ainsi une reprise d’activité rapide.

Compliance support

To help you comply with regulatory requirements and protect your sensitive data in line with your business needs, our support ranges from identifying the standards and regulations applicable to your organisation to training your staff.


Training and awareness-raising

We design awareness-raising workshops to help your staff understand the different types of cyber-attack and how to protect themselves by developing the right reflexes. Training and awareness-raising also help to spread a solid security culture within your teams.

Intégration de solutions de sécurité et services managés

Sécurisation des postes de travail

Two complementary solutions are used to ensure the safety of workstations:

  • Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is designed to automatically detect and respond to threats targeting your organisation's endpoints, such as PCs and mobile devices.
  • Protection of electronic messages and associated data is based on phishing protection, spam filtering, encryption of messages and attachments, and strong user authentication.
Protection des infrastructures

Our experts can help you implement high-performance technological solutions to protect all the components of your infrastructure, the backbone of your information system, from attack:

  • Anti-DDoS
  • Web proxy
  • Firewalls
  • Backup
  • Web Application Firewalls
Safety supervision
Security Operations Center

We identify and provide you with solutions for monitoring security events and detecting intrusion attempts, which our teams can manage operationally.

They are operated 24/7 by a SOC designed for your organisation.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR)

Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems


Sonde de vulnérabilité

Bastion d’administration

Breach & Attack Simulation (BAS)

Cyber Threat

Safety supervision
Response to
security incidents

The multi-skilled, multi-disciplinary Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) responds to security incidents. Its action enables the rapid removal of doubts and the mobilisation of analysts where necessary. In the post-incident phase, the CERT helps you to improve your defensive measures, at both organisational and technical levels.

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