Le magazine > France Nation Verte: 5 questions to help you understand the ecological planning fund

France's ambitious Green Nation action plan, launched in 2022, is being given fresh impetus with the launch of an innovative investment fund. Endowed with €50 million for 2024, this "Digital and Data" fund aims to catalyse the ecological transition by providing administrations with the necessary digital tools.

How is this fund managed? ?

By bringing together the Interministerial Digital Directorate (Dinum), under the aegis of the Ministry for Public Transformation and the Civil Service, and the General Secretariat for Ecological Planning (SGPE), the fund guarantees a coherent, cross-functional approach, which is essential to the success of the ecological transition.

Who can submit a project?

The call for applications is open to all central or decentralised administrations, as well as State operators who are carrying out or want to initiate digital projects developed in line with the "Digital and Data" roadmap or with the ecological planning objectives defined by the SGPE.

What criteria are used to select the winning projects?

Projects must :

  • comply with high security and quality standards in terms of accessibility, respect for privacy, openness of code and transparency of algorithms
  • adopt the "product mode" of incremental development
  • be run by an independent manager who will be responsible for the resources allocated

Applications will be assessed on the one hand according to their anticipated impact and on the other hand on their design and implementation. The latter criterion covers sponsor support, technical relevance, re-use of existing interministerial bricks and APIs, implementation timescales, compliance with the legal framework and the soundness and relevance of the project's governance.

How much funding can you provide?

Co-financing of up to 50 % of the total costs will be awarded to selected projects, with a preference for those with a budget in excess of €100,000 including tax.

Who will select the winning projects?

To ensure that funds are allocated efficiently, thematic investment committees and a cross-cutting committee will be set up, covering different facets of ecological planning:

Getting around betterxx5 M€
Better housingxx5 M€
Preserving resourcesxx5 M€
Preserving biodiversityx5 M€
Better productionxx5 M€
Eating betterxx5 M€
Better consumptionxx2 M€
Transversalxx6,5 M€
*Pilot entities
  • DGITM: Direction générale des Infrastructures, des Transports et des Mobilités (Directorate-General for Infrastructure, Transport and Mobility)
  • DGEC: Directorate-General for Energy and Climate
  • DGALN: Directorate-General for Planning, Housing and Nature
  • DGE: Direction générale des entreprises
  • MASA: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty
  • CGDD: General Commission for Sustainable Development
  • DGPR: French Directorate-General for Risk Prevention

To support innovative projects by government departments, in spring 2023 Dinum also launched the adoption of the trusted cloud" funding window which enables public authorities to co-finance their projects to build, transform or migrate applications to the cloud SecNumCloud qualified

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