Le magazine > Understanding SCRUM in 3 minutes

Article updated on 13/08/2024

The SCRUM method is one of the most popular agile frameworks for project management, particularly in software development. In just 3 minutes, find out what SCRUM is, the key roles involved, and the main steps involved.

What is SCRUM?

SCRUM is an agile methodology for efficiently managing the development of complex products. Designed to improve the flexibility and speed of technical teams, SCRUM is based on an iterative and incremental framework. Each work cycle, called a sprint, results in a potential deliverable product increment.

The benefits of SCRUM

SCRUM offers a number of advantages that make it a popular method for managing complex projects:

  • Flexibility and adaptability : enables us to react quickly to changes and new demands.
  • Continuous improvement : Encourages regular review of processes and products to drive continuous improvement.
  • Transparency and accountability : ensures clear communication and shared responsibility within the team.
  • Fast and frequent delivery of value : regular increments provide functionality that can be used frequently.

SCRUM stakeholders

The roles in SCRUM are crucial to the smooth running of the method. Here are the three main ones:

  • SCRUM master : The SCRUM master acts as a facilitator for the SCRUM team. His or her responsibility is to remove obstacles that may be holding the team back, ensure that SCRUM practices are properly implemented and guarantee that the team follows the SCRUM values and principles.
  • Product owner : The Product Owner's mission is to maximise the value of the product resulting from the work of the development team. They manage the product backlog, prioritise tasks and ensure communication between stakeholders and the development team.
  • Development team : Developers are the group of professionals responsible for transforming the Product Owner's requirements into product increments. This team is self-organised and multi-functional, which means that it has all the skills needed to deliver a functional increment at the end of each sprint.

The 5 stages of the SCRUM method

To facilitate the adoption and implementation of SCRUM, here is an overview of the five key stages of the SCRUM method:

  1. The Product backlog is a prioritised list of all the features, fixes, improvements and technical tasks to be carried out. It is managed by the Product Owner, after meeting with the customer and analysing their needs, and represents the work to be done on the product.
  2. The Sprint is a fixed time iteration of one to four weeks during which a potential deliverable product increment is created. Each sprint begins with planning and ends with a review and retrospective.
  3. The Sprint Planning MeetingThe sprint planning meeting enables the SCRUM team to determine the elements of the product backlog to be completed during the sprint. The objective of the sprint is defined, and the sprint backlog (list of tasks to be completed during the sprint) is established.
  4. The Daily ScrumThe Daily Stand-up is a daily 15-minute meeting at which the team synchronises its activities and discusses progress made, obstacles encountered and future actions.
  5. La Sprint Review is an opportunity for the SCRUM team to present the work accomplished at the end of each sprint. Subsequently, during the Sprint retrospectiveThe team analyses its work process and identifies improvement actions for the next sprint.

Cloud Temple combines innovation and agility for your digital transformation

At Cloud Temple, we understand the importance of effective agile project management to support our customers in their digital transformation. By applying the best agile methods, including SCRUM, we guarantee a structured and flexible approach, ensuring rapid delivery of value and meeting the specific needs of each cloud project. Our combined expertise in SCRUM and cloud infrastructure enables us to provide tailor-made solutions, optimised for the success of your digital initiatives.

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